Council & Committees
HKCA will ensure that Members' needs on industrial, contractual and technical matters are well looked after. HKCA is a member of the International Federation of Asian and Western Pacific Contractors’ Associations (IFAWPCA) representing Hong Kong. The Federation composed of representation from a total of 19 neighbouring nations/areas. The heart of the HKCA's business is the 40-member Council and the standing and ad-hoc committees. The Association's Council Officers comprise a President, six Vice-Presidents, Honorary Secretary and Honorary Treasurer (and their deputies). The Association's normal business is carried out by the Secretariat under the supervision of the Chief Executive.
72nd Council (2023-2025)
The 72nd HKCA Council for 2023/2025 is effective from 1 April 2023 for a two-year term.
Executive Officers
Council Members
Executive Director
Mr Godfrey Leung, SBS received his Bachelor of Social Science (Hons) degree from the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 1988 and Master of Science degree in Urban Planning from the University of Hong Kong in 1993.
He joined the then Construction Workers Registration Authority in 2008 as Chief Executive Officer and left the position of Director, Workers Registration of the Construction Industry Council in 2013 to join The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region as Under Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development. After leaving the Government in 2017, Mr Leung served at various senior positions in different organisations and companies. Prior to joining the Hong Kong Construction Association, Mr Leung served as the Chief Executive Officer of a listed manufacturing company in Hong Kong.
Before joining the then CWRA, Mr Leung had been working with the Hong Kong Trade Development Council (TDC) for 15 years. Throughout his tenure with TDC, Mr Leung held various positions in different departments dealing with industry relations, overseas liaison, mainland & overseas products, services promotion and exhibitions. He had also been posted to Shenzhen and New York to head the TDC offices there.

Mr Godfrey LEUNG, SBS
Permanent Supervisors
Honorary Members
Honorary Supervisor
Industry and standing committees are set up to study and review issues and concerns that are of particular relevance to the different disciplines and areas of operation. These Committees will make policy proposals to the government on matters affecting the construction industry.
Building Committee
This Committee deals with Government and private sector building construction works. It has been working closely with relevant bodies including the Development Bureau, the Hong Kong Housing Authority, the Architectural Services Department and the Buildings Department, etc to improve communication, streamline work practices and regulatory measures.
Civil Engineering Committee
The Committee was established in 1980 and has been reflecting the voices of its members. This Committee has been playing a major role in advising the Government on policies related to civil engineering works and on the construction industry through regular dialogues with Government departments and other parties concerned.
Piling Contractors Committee
The Committee aims to promote and maintain a safe, economical and efficient piling industry. This committee liaises closely with the Buildings Department, the Housing Department, and the Architectural Services Department to resolve issues and problems experienced by the piling contractors.
Site Investigation Committee
This Committee is set up to improve the quality of the site investigation industry. It represents HKCA to negotiate and resolve problems related to site investigation works with the relevant Government departments, and in particular GEO, and provide a consultation channel for Government and other professional bodies on matters related to the site investigation industry.